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Managing Director


Qualifications: LLB(Hons), FRICS, FCIArb, Barrister.

Specialist Skills: Experienced advocate and legal advisor in arbitration, adjudication and mediation. Lectures on a variety of topics associated with the construction industry and provides legal and commercial advice to the firm’s major clients.


Has participated as party representative in 90 plus construction industry arbitrations and 100 plus adjudications. Experienced in all stages of the arbitral and adjudication procedures from commencement to final award/decision and, thereafter, to appeals, stated cases and enforcement. Has participated as party advisor in mediations and prepared cases for presentation to dispute review boards.


Employment History: 1969 to 1982 employed with building and civil engineering contractors in the United Kingdom and overseas. Has considerable practical experience of the contractors’ commercial management role.

1979 to 1982 employed as contractual and commercial adviser to the board of directors of two Dutch construction companies in connection with major civil engineering works in Africa and the Middle East.

1982 and 1989 instructed by a number of different professional organisations to provide legal and commercial advice and assistance to their respective construction industry clients.


Professional Highlight: Celebrating twenty five years of success with Kerrigans.

Personal Highlight: Being chosen to be an Evertonian


Interests: Football, and more football!

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